10 Myths about Health

Health is characterized by functional and metabolic efficiency level of a living organism. In humans, it is the ability of individuals or communities to adjust and self-manage when coming across with physical, mental or social challenges. The World Health Organization (WHO) identified health in its broader sense in 1948 constitution as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely absence of disease or infirmity.”

This definition has caused controversial points of view, in particular as lacking operational value, ambiguity in developing cohesive health strategies, and because of the problem created by word “complete” usage. Other definitions have been offered, among which a recent definition that closely connects health and personal satisfaction. Today, Canadian Health&Care Mall presents 10 popular myths about health. You just need to know the truth!

10 Popular Myths about Healthhealth

1 Myth: During a Day you Need to Drink at least 8 Glasses of Water

During a day a person really needs to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid, – says Andrew Gough, executive director of the National Association of Dietitians. – But it should not be necessarily water – 50% of liquid should be obtained from a variety of dishes, such as soup, and 50% – tea, juice, milk.

2 Myth: Swallowed Chewing Gum Adhere Intestines

Chewing gum does not dissolve in the stomach, – says Peter Porter, surgeon, professor. – The literature describes isolated cases when swallowing chewing gum child developed intestinal obstruction. If a child swallows gum, but there is no health deterioration, so everything is ok okay.

3 Myth: If Person Eats Well, but Becomes Thinner and Thinner, so such a person has Worms

Leanness with a good appetite may indicate only rapid metabolism in the body – says Nathan Davis, professor, chief of a department of modern methods of treatment of Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine. – A weight loss in a person infected with helminths appears only at very advanced stages of the disease. But at early stages of the disease, you will suffer from general weakness.

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Myth 4: If You Feel well Having High Blood Pressure, then it is not Necessary to Apply Pills

The risk of serious complications (stroke, heart attack, kidney damage, decreased vision) is equally high as in patients who suffer from high blood pressure (a headache, heart pain), and those who have an increase in pressure is not accompanied by deterioration of health. Good tolerance is not a reason to refuse treatment if you do not want to die prematurely.

Myth 5: If You Eat less, Stomach and Appetite as well will be Reduced, and People will Lose Weight

In adults stomach size usually does not change. “Good and effective rule for losing weight – eat less but frequent, – says Harry Shaw. – Then appetite does not have time to form, and a person does not eat a lot. ”

6 Myth: If a Child Creaks Teeth in his Sleep, He has Worms

The research on this subject is carried out repeatedly, – said Nathan Davis – but a relationship between these factors is not revealed. Teeth grinding during sleep (bruxism) is caused by malocclusion, ENT diseases or neurological disorders.

7 Myth: An Hour of Sleep before 12 am is Able to Replace Two Hours after Midnight

“This popular formula for ” early risers”, – says Max Campbell, M.D., a member of the European Society for the Study of Sleep Disorders: – If “night person” gets to bed at 10 pm, he still falls asleep not immediately. And after 1-2 weeks of such torture, such a person can promote insomnia development. Therefore correct another formulation: to restore body’s energy and produce necessary hormones are important first 3-4 hours of deep sleep. And before 12 am or after – it depends on their own biorhythms”

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8 Myth: Man is not Designed for one Woman and for Five

“Nonsense! – Henry Pearson objects, urologist, andrologist, M.D, the head physician of the Republican Center of Human Reproduction – Just like the myth that man is designed for a certain number of ejaculations. Seminal fluid is enough to satisfy a woman but a normal man does not need it. ”

9 Myth: Kefir and Yogurt are Rich in Living Bacteria

To get into the intestine, bacteria need to go a very long way, fraught with exposure to aggressive factors: hydrochloric acid in the stomach, digestive enzymes of duodenal ulcer, so they almost do not achieve their goal, – says Elliot Randall, Professor, Head of SSC Coloproctology. – So any curdled dairy products are used, and not only because of living bacteria – they help their own good flora to grow.

Myth 10: If You Quit Smoking, be Sure to Gain Weight

Optionally – objected Owen Rhodes, professor, chief of the department of tumors prevention – Someone’s weight does not change, some ex-smokers gain weight for 2-4 kg. Only 3-4% of ex-smokers gain 9 kg or more weight. The reason is that gastric mucosa is restored, and nutrients and vitamins are better absorbed.