The Advice How to Organize a Healthy Nutrition

Healthy nutrition is the truest base, as the general healthy organism condition, excellent mood and appearance depend on it. No cosmetics can replace the correct food system. Following the elementary rules of healthy nutrition, you will avoid the majority of diseases and will have a countless resource of energy!Healthy Nutrition

Main Principles of a Healthy Nutrition

  • Eat when you feel hunger;
  • it is necessary to chew each piece of food properly;
  • eat small portions;
  • eat in a quiet state;
  • concentrate on food taking process;
  • be seated while eating;
  • limit the menu of one reception to maximally 4 dishes;
  • divide the day ration into 4-5 small meals instead of the 2-3kh of big meals;
  • be active the whole day;
  • do not drink during meals and directly after that;
  • dinner should contain the main volume of the eaten food;
  • eat freshly cooked food;
  • eat natural food;
  • do not use (or minimize) harmful products (mayonnaise, ketchup, “fast food”, alcohol and so forth);
  • eat more cellulose – fruit and fresh vegetables.

The balance of food, first of all, reflects food caloric content compliance to the energy volume the person spends. It is possible to construct a diet of a healthy nutrition by changing the balance of the main food components (carbohydrates, proteins and fats). An important role in the menu of healthy food is played also by natural, initial compatibility of products.

How to Start a Healthy Diet?

There are no special secrets about that point. The best way is to consult a diet doctor. The main thing is that healthy food doesn’t require additional financial expenses for a family. Products of healthy food are not too expensive – but they should be natural and fresh. We should also cook these products correctly.

  • Let’s begin with the fact that long heat cooking always “kills” the great number of vitamins in any food product. Therefore, it should be minimal. You shouldn’t forget also that fried food is of little advantage to a stomach, and secondly, it is harmful because of contact with fats in which it was cooked, – even fresh fat “on one frying” is harmful. Work out a smart diet plan. One of the best methods of cooking for today is a steamer. It’s difficult to get all the necessary vitamins from the usual products, so you may buy vitamins from Canadian Health Care Mall – an online pharmacy which is always open for you. Also, try weight loss drugs: Lida Daidaihua, Vrikshamla, Yerba Diet, Trimohills, Slimonil;
  • All food groups are obligatory in a healthy diet menu (from greens and fruit to beans and oils). Their percentage in a ratio can be caused by your preferences and preferences of your family members;
  • Regularity and accuracy in meals time is a guarantee of accurate digestive tract “operating” and functioning of your whole organism. Timely nutrition, finally, regulates your sleep, nervous system, normalizes a condition of blood vessels and pressure;
  • It’s easy to get used to a salt minimum, sugar restriction, control of rolls and cakes, replacement of sweet drinks by herbal tea or compotes. In 21 days the human body is completely reconstructed in the reflection of food preferences;
  • You will not have the desire to have a snack anymore. First of all, you’d better forget about the frequent use of rolls, cakes and other flour, sweet products. According to healthy nutrition, it is better to start your day with a porridge, banana, kefir and so forth, you should put bread and cakes aside. Besides, some colleagues are used to eating cookies and candies in the office during a day, this habit leads to excess calories which as a result are collected in such quantity that aren’t burned and postponed in fatty folds. Nobody says that it is necessary to refuse sweets completely but their quantity should be controlled and afforded strictly in the first half of a day;
  • Cook meat and a green salad for a late supper. Meat protein remains one of the most important and irreplaceable ingredients, and carbohydrates can be received not only from macaroni, rice and buckwheat but also from vegetables. Besides, vegetables contain cellulose which will improve work of a digestive tract.
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Main law of healthy foodbalance-300x296

The main principle of healthy food is a balance. You should follow the balance of the calories eaten and the calories spent, and also eat products of each food categories, not only those you like.

For example, many people include apples in their diets, a healthy and tasty fruit. But apples are good for an organism for two-three days. After a week it does harm as the person ceases to receive the fats and other components which are absent in apples. The second example is fragrant butter. It is fat in pure form. Its irrepressible consumption is not just obesity, but also problems with a liver. But a thin layer on a morning toast is a charge of energy and forces, which makes your day productive. Healthy food is a reason for healthy living!

Healthy Lifestyle Tips: Calories should be Spent!

It doesn’t mean that you are allowed to eat low-calorie fruit and to lie in a bed all of your time. The result won’t be pleasant – skin will gain the unpleasant color and you will feel lack of energy. The active lifestyle does not only train muscles but also normalizes functions of organs. You don’t want to visit the gym or do the cleaning? Than just dance, as you used to – at home, spontaneously, for yourself! The advantage of healthy nutrition will always be defective without normal physical activity.

A variety of food

varietyMany are interested in the list of products for healthy nutrition at the beginning of the way to a healthy lifestyle. It is not a correct step. It will be simpler to learn the list of harmful products and to exclude them completely or partially. Most of the professional athletes eat precisely the same products, as other people. All secret is the balance of ingredients and cooking methods.

  • Don’t say that you don’t love something – just try to cook this product in a different way! Tasteless vegetables? Cook them in a steamer and add spices: turmeric, a mix of pepper, herbs. Find special recipes and make your dish perfect!
  • Your diet has to contain food categories: porridge from grain, fresh greens, meat and fish, but not chicken wings from next “fast food”. If you do not like boiled or steam food, try to bake in an oven! Vegetables, fruit, fresh and unsalted nuts, vegetable oils and animal fats (but not spreads!). Eggs, including quail. Milk products – and fermented milk products (kefir or fermented baked milk).
  • But such products like mayonnaise and other store sauces, ketchup and “momentary” soups is not a variety, but a slow “poisoning” of the organism. At first – for a stomach and other organs, then – for the nervous system and working capacity. healthy nutrition is a guarantee of health!
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Balance of macronutrients

This compound word only refers to fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Their correct balance is also the main rule of healthy food. Energy drinks give strength, Proteins start an internal exchange and other processes, carbohydrates feed not only a brain but also endurance of an organism in general. And only balanced food system is capable to make the person vigorous, healthy and cheerful.

The approximate week healthy menu

You may easily find lots of information about the healthy week ration, but it is necessary to understand that the healthy nutrition is a healthy lifestyle which is observed not in some concrete period, but every day throughout the time. The sudden change of a diet towards healthy food can become a serious stress for an organism. Besides, it is necessary to remember about physical activities which allow burning the excess calories which are saved up during. Train as often as possible as exercises promote the improvement of blood circulation, digestive tract and cardiovascular system functions.

It is rather problematic to follow and plan the correct weekly diet, but it is necessary to make a daily diet plan. And if you cope with a daily task, you will have no problems within a week.

The approximate ration of correct daily nutrition

  1. Breakfast. breakfast-istockIn the morning you should eat something light, but high-calorie so that you have enough energy for a lunch. For this purpose porridge, muesli, cheese, the fruit will be perfect. Try to make a breakfast various, it is problematic to eat the same products every morning;
  2. A snack. Fruit (bananas also are suitable for those who train in the gym hall), vegetables, kefir;
  3. Lunch. It is necessary to eat some meat products for lunch: fish, pork, beef, chicken and so forth. Also, don’t forget to add a garnish to your taste! For example, fried pork with buckwheat cereal will be perfect;
  4. Afternoon snack. In one or two hours after a lunch you will surely want to have a bite and here we may refer to kefir, low-fat yogurt, nuts, dried fruits or bananas;
  5. Dinner. This meal shouldn’t be heavy. You’d better cook some meat and vegetable salad in the addition. In general, it is better to eat vegetables every day as they promote the best digestion, they are rich in cellulose and vitamins;
  6. Before going to bed. No doubt, this is the time when many people attack refrigerator and look for something to have a bite. Such uncontrollable meals add extra kilos to your body. You’d better drink a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk before going to bed a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or eat low-fat cottage cheese or vegetable olive oil salad.
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It is important to notice that a healthy weight loss diet doesn’t differ from the described above. It’s clear that weight reduction – is a process which should be coordinated with experts in this area, but the concept and the scheme are the same.

Besides, it is important to understand that a diet, products and a healthy menu for sportsmen will differ considerably from the above-mentioned, as these people’s organism consumes much more micro and macro cells, calories and so forth.

So, as you can see, the healthy lifestyle and nutrition during this period are very simple for understanding. The greatest problem is refusal “harmful” dishes. We hope that we answered a question how to constitute a healthy nutrition and helped you with forming of healthy and vigorous lifestyle.