Tag: Generic Cialis

Viagra vs Cialis vs Levitra

In the treatment of erectile function malfunctionings, the leading place belongs to drugs such as Levitra, Cialis, Viagra, adding their numerous generics. Appropriate choice of the right tablets is possible when assessing the mechanism of drugs’ action and consumer’s needs. It is significant to realize the resemblance and distinction in these ED drugs. Similar Characteristics […]

Cialis: Side Effects, Contraindications

Cialis is considered to be a medicament, it also has contraindications and side effects. And these actions cannot be neglected, as it may lead to serious penile malfunctions and body as a whole. Side effects of Cialis are associated primarily with the wrong dosage as a result of self-medicating, an important factor may be an […]

Generics of Cialis

Cialis main generic name is Tadalafil. What is it? How does it work? Let’s answer this questions but first of all grapple with the fact what generic medications are? What are Generic Drugs? Generic is a medication with proven pharmaceutical and biological equivalence of original drug. That is, a drug having the same composition of active […]

Cialis: Basic Information

Cialis is a popular drug used to treat erectile dysfunction. According to statistics, about one hundred and fifty millions of the stronger sex are forced to seek means to combat erectile function problem. Modern experts advise dealing with this problem by using tadalafil. This drug restores, stimulates natural functions and performs without a failure. After the appearance […]