Levitra and its Main Advantages

Impressive Researches’ Results

Few people know that properties of Levitra are about 10 times stronger vs. properties of Viagra. It is really hard to believe. After all, Viagra for a long time occupied leading position among drugs for erectile dysfunction treatment. Levitra became not just an analog of the drug with worldwide fame, but also improved, became a proven means. This, in its turn, was proved in the medical study conducted at the University of Cologne.

In the same study, it was found that Levitra begins to affect male organism much earlier than all known analogs. The effect of reception will be noticeable after 10 – 15 minutes. Even in the most neglected cases, erection after taking the drug comes after 25 – 30 minutes.

Levitra cannot boast of how long it lasts. At average, Levitra action lasts for 4 – 5 hours after taking the drug. An essential and undeniable advantage, in this case, is an absence of side effects from its administration. It has been scientifically proven that side effects were observed only in 2 cases out of 100. At the same time, Levitra is much faster than other stimulating analogs excreted from the human body.

Researchers went even further, proving Levitra’s greater effectiveness. In 50% of cases, when Viagra becomes ineffective, Levitra is really able to help. It is able to help even those patients who have removed the prostate gland, as well as those with diabetes.

In a recent study in the United States, more than 200 men in 18 – 64 age range participated in the experiment. All men were divided into two groups, the same in number. According to basic requirements, one group of men had to take Levitra within one month, and the other – placebo. By the way, 40% of men from the total mass suffered from moderate impotence, and 30% – neglected.

The first results were seen already after the first group received Levitra dosage of 10 ml. They managed to prolong their sexual intercourse from 5 minutes to 13, with no side effects noticed. Sometimes, however, patients complained of slight dizziness and blood rushes to face. As part of the study, it was possible to establish that Levitra can prolong sexual intercourse twofold.

It turns out, there should be no doubt about the effectiveness of Levitra. It must be acknowledged that reception of the drug is accompanied by certain features, therefore, it is possible that you and your body will more like Viagra or Cialis.

See also  Viagra Dosing and Administration